Be Strong in Your Recovery

Develop healthy habits manage important responsibilities

We Are Here to Support You

Medical Support

Trauma Informed Care

Collaborative Care

Evidence-Based Practices

We work together with you to develop a tailored treatment plan

Programs Available

Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment, medication management, supportive therapy Avoid withdrawal, avoid cravings, stay healthy and strong in recovery.

Medication Management

Provide individual and group therapy, Listen and support healthy changes. Assist clients in recognizing triggers to prevent relapse.


Provide individual and group therapy, Heal the effects of trauma and abuse, improve communication with family, manage ambivalence about change,.

From Our Community

"Helps people feel safe and comfortable in making life changes."

Our licensed social worker, Becca, has years of experience leading groups and working with people individually. She comes from a place of personal experience as well in the field of addiction. Becca’s caring spirit and listening ear help people feel safe and comfortable in making life changes.

-Dr. H.

"I was lost until I found Not Alone."

You are definitely not alone when you see Dr. Elana Harris! She is the most amazing woman. She is loving, caring and always always there for me. I struggle a lot with different problems and she helps me through each and everyone. I was lost until I found Not Alone. Doctor Harris is so much more than my doctor she is my true friend!


"Puts a smile on everyone's face."

Our certified laughter yoga therapist, Judy, gets you rolling. She has lead groups for women who are victims of human trafficking and puts a smile on everyone’s face. She believes that people can have self-compassion and fun in therapy.

-Dr. H.

Looking for Help for a Loved One?

Learn more about us and how we can help your family.

Current Patients

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We provide a healthy environment uniquely suited to support your growth and healing.

Not Alone © 2021 All rights reserved.

Not Alone © 2021 All rights reserved.